Friday, July 26, 2019

-- i will send it as file -- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

-- i will send it as file -- - Essay Example Cultural practices play a crucial role in differentiating given groups of people. Evidently, social structures of a given community greatly depend on the type of culture put into practice by that given community or society to a larger extent. Additionally, different communities cultivate their cultural symbols and values. Cases of communities practicing other communities’ cultural practices keep on surfacing. The underlying reason for the inter-cultural practices is due to the intermarriages and several other interactions. Cultural practices form a basis of each and every community around the world. Different ethnic groups encompass of different ethnic cultures that guide the structural survival of that given society or ethnic group through the years. Many ethnic groups identify those people outside their community as cultural practitioners but only under certain set circumstances. In this content, circumcision among the male child tends to be the cultural practice of choice. In as much as many ethnic groups around the world practice circumcision, various groups perform the practice to meet different goals. Circumcision is essential in ensuring that a given individual moves from one stage of growth to the other. Moreover, once a person undergoes circumcision rights, the person is considered an adult, ready to handle any challenges that arise in the world. The practice remains as one of the most ancient cultural practice in the community. People in the society view circumcision as one of the most crucial cultural practices in the ethnic group. According to the community, circumcision instills discipline into the youth and makes them act in a more mature way compared to when they had not undergone the cut. A circumcised member of the community should be able to handle any challenges or risks and uncertainty arising in the world. Members of the community additionally, view circumcision as one of those cultural

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